The Songs I Don’t Dance To

Cover of Pjesme uz koje ne igram
Cover of Pjesme uz koje ne plešem

A few days ago my new book, titled Pjesme uz koje ne plešem (The Songs I Don’t Dance To), was published in Croatia (Naklada Uliks, ISBN 978-953-7306-37-3). It is a collection of articles mostly published between 1985 and 1989 in the Rock Magazine, in Belgrade, fortified (or weakened?) with some previously unpublished pieces. There are 17 titles in there, varying wildly in length, unified by the general idea and the form of writing. Each of them is talking about one particular song I love and respect so much I would never dance to it, and each is somewhere between an essay and a confessional story.

At the time when these stories were published they achieved some reputation, but — to my surprise — they continued gaining readers even afterwards, in spite of the war that came and the complete breakdown of Yugoslavia (in both political and cultural sense). For many years after the last story from this series was published I was getting letters from unknown people, some of whom wanted to thank me for writing that material, some of whom just wanted to share their thoughts with me (the most curious letter came from a young woman from Sarajevo, who wrote it just before the siege of the city started, and sent it somehow when the siege was already imposed) . The series itself inspired at least two other serials, published in other magazines and by other writers. In short, The Songs I Don’t Dance To have achieved cult status.
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It stayed like that for two decades. At one point, a folder with the old typed stories fell on my head while I was writing something else and, taking that as an omen, I gathered the stories, retyped them, cleaned them up a bit, and offered them to a publisher in Belgrade — but he showed no interest, and then I gave up completely. There were other books to write, other things to do. Then, several months ago, I got an email from an unknown man from Croatia. Mr Miro Boži? sad he was a publisher and asked me if I was interested in having The Songs collection published with his company. I still did not pay much attention, but did send him the material he asked for. From there, it all progressed very smoothly. Two months later the book was already in production, and now it is in the bookstores. As far as I know, it is sold in Croatia and Bosnia.

There is something that makes me very proud of this book. I’ll try to explain:
I wrote the original stories in Belgrade, in what was then still Yugoslavia. I published them in a magazine that was Yugoslav by its orientation and ideology, and covered all the republics of Yugoslavia — today all independent states. When it happened that the book containing all those stories was published first in Croatia and not in Serbia — as I would expect — it just showed me that my generation was right in believing in the unity of that cultural space. I said once, and I will keep repeating:
the borders are not where the politicians draw them, the borders are where the language changes. For me, there never was a border between the Balkan states where people speak languages that need not be translated. Yes, my book is in Croatian, not Serbian, but I still understand every word in that “translation”, and so will every reader in the Balkans.

Notes about Diary of Interrupted Days

Diary of Interrupted Days has two large plateaus between which its smaller multiple layers are positioned. One, frontal, for those who read fast and don’t take their shoes off when they enter a book, is a love story, happening between three people and three cities.

V&A courtyard facade

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The other plateau is the story about the war we all fight, continuously, without a break, even when we think we are having rest. A fight for personal freedom, for right to choose, for an idea, against the regime, for regime, against an idea, against freedom. This seems very abstract. Yet, that is the fight that can (and does) determine our lives.

This other plateau is occasionally painted in surrealistic colours, and I used decoupage to try and expose that permanent state of secret war. I wanted to deconstruct lies, but also to deconstruct truth. We have all learned to recognize lies, but those who live from them have worked on improving their goods and their performance, and now we have to learn that truth is also something that can’t be unreservedly trusted. Today, even truth has ingredients: subtruth, übertruth, sidetruths.


The book came to be in a rather strange way. After I had submitted my previous manuscript to my publisher, I started writing a story whose elements had been flapping around for some time. The story was located in Prague, in 1970s. It was fast becoming longer than I planned, expected, or wanted. I realized that a novella started to impose on the story, but I didn’t like something about that novella. While I was trying to pinpoint the reasons for my discontent, three characters appeared, fully formed, with their relationships set the right way. Soon, I had 130 pages of something that I didn’t like very much, but continued to write because there was a strong undercurrent in all that that drew me further.

Then I made an experiment: I took the three characters and moved them to another place and time, to see how the would cope. And indeed: they had a better time in their new surroundings.

I used this exodus to touch on my favourite subject—exile. Some of my characters are expelled from their city, or their country, some from their own life. One of them, Boris, seems to be subscribed to all forms of ostracism, from being expelled from his parents’ home, to having to hide in his own city, to having to emigrate. Everything that he knows becomes unknown after a while (but he’s an artist; that could work for him). So it’s logical that the novel starts and ends with a scene of him standing on the only remaining bridge still leading home. This is also my story, on a very metaphorical level. There are elements, which I carry from the places where I’ve lived, that do not translate, yet are only understandable if I stand on the bridge between them. There are hidden meanings that transcend my intentions and my analysis. I’m suspecting of the river underneath. In Diary, that river is the Danube.

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What is the Internet made of?

I liked the very first solution for the jacket design of my new book. Designer Terri Nimmo, I thought, did a very good job. There are elements symbolizing several important aspects of my novel, among them a few bullet holes. Since I needed to freshen up my site for the upcoming promotion (the official launch date is March 10, but the actual promotion is two weeks later),  I decided to include the holes into my design of the site.

I thought: everyone is shooting everyone else today, it will be easy to find good images of bullet holes. That’s one area where we can be spoiled: bullet holes from Iraq? No, I’d prefer something from adobes in Afghanistan. But no: you can’t believe how difficult it is to find good bullet traces, or any sort of such marks, really. I guess some police departments in larger cities could make money by making public the pictures related to their investigation. L.A.P.D. or N.Y.P.D. or Vancouver cops — there are millions there, I’m sure.

Then I found a good set of Photoshop brushes, and I liked them well enough to use three different bullet holes for the front page. I stood back and was happy with how it looked.
The next morning I wasn’t so sure anymore. I was afraid that the front page now looked as if it had been visited by a minor drug cartel, very passionate about literature, that hated my writing. So I sent an urgent message to my publicist at Random House, Catherine, and asked her to visit the site and tell me if I overdid it. A little later she told me the front page was fine Re bullets, but she missed some elements that were there for the promotion of my previous book (The Book of Revenge) — such as sound files and something personal.
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That personal thing in such situations is a document that many publicists ask their authors to write (Catherine didn’t, but she reminded me of it, which is the same). The working title of such .doc is “Why this book?”
Why? I’m thinking about it now, and I’ll come up with some sort of answer later. It is both easy and impossible to answer that question. Easy, since most authors write because they have to, period. Impossible, because there are usually tens, even hundreds of reasons for creating something. I will probably have to pick a few that are the most aggressive and will elbow ahead of others that are more discreet.

Back to the bullet holes: take a look at them. They look like holes made in metal. But the Internet sites are made of paper, or is it only me? Seriously, did you ever think of it: what  material is the Internet made of? Don’t hesitate; just close your eyes and say one noun. Is it paper?